Thought about buying a house? There are some excellent advantages of owning your own home that you as a homosexual should consider.

Privacy is a major consideration. Only a home that you own can even begin to provide the privacy most homosexuals desire. With a house, there are no apartment house neighbors to complain about your stereo's bass vibrations or last night's party. As a result, entertaining can be a lot more fun in your own home.

By the way, there is nothing like joint ownership for keeping two people close to each other. As an example, take two friends who live in the suburbs of New York City. They say the only thing that kept them from parting during their first few years together was the building of a house. Neither of the two wanted to be the first to call the whole involved project quits. Today, they are grateful they were unable to pick up, pack up and slam the door on the way out. The building of their house substituted for sober judgement when spur-of-the-moment emotions would have destroyed their relationship. The struggle and experience of building the house together probably bonded those kids together better than any mutual attraction.

What most friends need, is a mutual lasting interest. A joint project will very often tide them over the early reactions to each other.

While we're at it though, let's be practical about this matter of mutual ownership. It is not wise to leave youself unprotected where property, or any aspects of finances, are concerned. How you work this out is your own business of course, but whatever you do, don't ignore this vital part of any partnership. The